It's time
to boost your
office with
a fresh kick.

You're in the office at 7 in the morning but your body hasn't woken up yet. Or maybe you've overdone it a bit at lunch and you're in a food coma. Sound familiar? Then you need a caffeine kick – and we have just the thing!
What's a mate subscription?
With our Mate Corner subscription, your favourite drinks are regularly delivered to your office, and the Mate Corner Package is an eye-catching addition to any workplace.

How it works
What you get
With our Mate Corner subscription, you only pay the monthly product costs. The following is included free of charge.

50.5 cm x 35 cm x 42.5 cm
23 l
Power supply
220 - 240 V
Exclusive mini cooler
(on loan)

100 cm x 28.2 cm
Power supply
12 V
Mate Corner Neon Sign
(on loan)

More info
Plant voucher from
worth CHF 150.00

We provide the initial quantity and selection of products.
First filling of your
Mate Corner fridge
on installation

More info
Delivery to the office

The Mate Corner is only available for offices
Number of employees
At least 10 employees in your office
Subscription period
At least 6 months
Minimum order quantity
At least 100 mates per month
Choose from our full mate range (a whole tray for each variety)
Invoiced through our partner Lyreco
Free delivery directly to the office
You can cancel your subscription at any time (after the minimum subscription period)

a break

A kick when you need it
El Tony® Mate
Pure, freshly brewed cold brew mate tea from South America. No frills. It's refreshing, and it also boosts your energy and focus – one El Tony Mate contains as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.
Available in classic flavour with guarana or infused with a hint of ginger or mint.

Purest Mate in town
PUERTO MATE® offers you the real mate flavour from South America. It is traditionally brewed cold, giving it even more flavour. The pure mate power, with beneficial organic ingredients and only 9 calories, will wake you up and keep you going for longer than coffee or a conventional energy drink.
Available as PURO or in Mate & Lemongrass and Mate & Pomegranate flavours.
Mate – the miracle herb

How this miracle herb makes your everyday office life easier.

More energy & focus
Thanks to a long-lasting caffeine KICK: no more nodding off in boring meetings.
Strengthens the immune system
Your team buddy's viruses don't stand a chance against you.
Satisfies your hunger
Left your lunch in the fridge at home? Problem solved!
Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
Always useful ;)
Get your Mate Corner now
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intelligentfood Schweiz AG
Suurstoffi 20
6343 Rotkreuz
041 211 00 12